Beagle Social Audio
Beagle Social Audio will be released as a limited beta service at launch. Community members are required to deposit 2000 Beagles to be able to use the service and to create rooms and events.
Beagle will create a social audio platform similar to Clubhouse to allow members to communicate in audio chat rooms that accommodate groups of thousands of people. This allows crypto projects and enthusiasts to group together to discuss topics and cooperate with each other.
The main feature of Beagle Social Audio is real-time virtual "rooms" in which users can communicate with each other via audio. Rooms are categorized based on differing levels of privacy. Beagle Social Audio operates in real time.Only users who have been approved by the moderators are allowed to join "social rooms."Permanent room names can be purchased through NFT and then sold or transferred to other members of the community.Beagle will charge a fee of 5% on each transaction when the ownership room name is exchanged.
A lot of conversations in Beagle Social Audio happen spontaneously, but users can schedule conversations by creating events. When scheduling an event, users can first name the event and then set the date and time that the conversation will begin. Users can also add co-hosts to help moderate the event. Once an event is created, it is added to the Beagle Social Audio "bulletin." The bulletin displays upcoming scheduled events and allows users to set notifications for events by clicking the bell icon corresponding to the event. Users can access the bulletin by clicking on the calendar icon at the top of the home page.
At Beagle Social Audio, clubs are user communities that regularly discuss a common interest. Many clubs are present in Beagle Social Audio, representing a wide array of topics, and users can find clubs by name under the search tab.
Last updated